The Stripper’s Guide Super-Quiz Day 10

Last day of the super-quiz! How have you done? Here’s a few really murderous ones to finish out. Mega bonus points for correct answers!

1. Cartoonists don’t usually come out of the womb with a syndicate contract in hand. Here are some odd jobs that cartoonists claimed to have before they became successful in the toon profession. Which cartoonist was a bus driver (and proudly proclaimed so on his feature)? Who was a glass blower? Who was half of a husband-and-wife vaudeville dancing team? Who was a reporter for the Wall Street Journal? Who was a Yellowstone Park tour guide?

2. Margaret Mitchell of “Gone With The Wind” fame reportedly considered taking on the writing duties of what new strip of 1953?

3. Which American newspaper is responsible for the very first four-color printing on newsprint using a high speed newspaper press? Which newspaper was second? And which cartoonist was instrumental in inventing the new process?

4. A successful comic strip is bound to inspire imitators. Some take it too far, though. The success of Foxy Grandpa inspired a certain newspaper to bring out an imitation called … Foxy Grandpa. Which newspaper was it that apparently never heard of the concept of plagiarism?

5. Socialism and fashionable clothing don’t seem to mix. But mix they did in a fashion strip that ran in the Daily Worker. What was the title of the strip?

3 comments on “The Stripper’s Guide Super-Quiz Day 10

  1. Really hard questions.
    But let try for this last time:

    2-THE HEART OF JULIET JONES (but M. Mitchell died in '49…)
    3-New York World + New York Journal American + R.F. Outcault?

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