Herriman Saturday: May 30 1910


May 30 1910 — Louis Urban has the misfortune of looking almost exactly like Daniel A. Boyd, a fellow to whom he is no relation. But he doesn’t just have the problem of occasionally being mistaken for his doppelganger, an annoyance surely. No, the problem is that Mr. Boyd is a wanted criminal with a long and impressive rap sheet. Every cop in the land has his face memorized, and each time one of the men in blue see Urban the same long and involved drama plays out. Urban gets hauled into the police station where in the best case he can convince the constabulary of his identity, but often he is held overnight in the pokey and has to plead his case in front of a judge. 

Sick and tired of this annoying, not to mention potentially dangerous, case of mistaken identity, Urban has vowed to find and arrest the criminal Boyd himself so that he can get his life back on track.

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