Wish You Were Here, from R.F. Outcault


Outcault produced many of these calendar advertising postcards, some for specific advertisers, like this one, some more generic. 

The Rockford Watch Company was not a particularly major player in the pocket watch market, and the factory was shuttered just six years after this marketing campaign. Perhaps a victim of the newfangled wristwatches, I wonder? 

These cards seem to have been produced with the idea that Rockford dealers would do the posting, but then you would think they would not be preprinted with “Dealers Name and Address Here” on them, but rather just an open space for the dealer’s stamp. Bad planning, that. 

Thanks to Mark Johnson, who provided the scans of this card.

2 comments on “Wish You Were Here, from R.F. Outcault

  1. Guessing it was meant for a pre-printed label; perhaps something a retailer would have on hand to add to the manufacturer's packaging. I occasionally come across old books that have a discreet sticker for the bookstore that sold it.

  2. It's a rare salesman's sample, given to dealers of the Rockford watch, who'd use this and the other eleven months of designs, throughout the year. The dealer would pay for x number of each, with his name on them, and sent them out to potential customers. In other words, it's vintage junk mail.

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