Dan Smith’s Fairyland Cover Series

By the scope rules of Stripper’s Guide, the series above does not quite qualify for inclusion in my index. However, by the scope rules of art appreciation, I must share these incredible illustrations with you.

Dan Smith, noted illustrator of 1890s-1920s, drew this series called Fairyland for the covers of Hearst’s American Weekly Sunday newspaper supplement in 1926. Although I do include many such series in the Stripper’s Guide listings, I generally limit them to ones that tell a story, typically through a series of drawn vignettes with captions. Fairyland is obviously a series with a common theme, but lacks the storytelling aspect of the series I do include in Stripper’s Guide. Dan Smith’s covers are meant to be appreciated primarily for the beauty of the drawing, not really for a story or gag.

And what beauties they are! These incredible images come from the collection of Cole Johnson, who actually has the original proof sheets to the covers — I am so jealous! The printed covers would have nowhere near the luminosity or sensitive coloring of these proof sheets, which are absolutely breathtaking. Thanks Cole!

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