Poetry Corner

No, not a new feature of the blog (did I hear a collective sigh of relief?), just a cute piece of doggerel that I happened upon and it gave me a laugh. This uncredited poem originally appeared in the Emporia Gazette in 1908.

One Kind of Sunday Paper
I spent five cents for the Sunday Dart,
And hauled it home in a two-wheeled cart,
I piled the sections upon the floor,
Til they reached as high as the kitchen door.
I hung the chromes upon the wall,
Though there wasn’t room to hang them all,
And the yard was littered some ten feet deep,
With comic sections that made me weep.
And there were sections of pink and green,
A woman’s section and magazine,
And sheets of music, the which, if played,
Would make an audience quickly fade.
And there were patterns for women’s gowns,
And more for gentlemen’s hand-me-downs,
And a false mustache and a rubber doll,
And a deck of cards and a parasol.
Now men are busy with dray and cart,
A-hauling away the Sunday Dart.

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